[ ] : MP3 [
] : PPT 【Other Recordings】
Date / Topic / Speaker / Passage
2016-10-21 2016 Fall Retreat #1 《Following Jesus》 Dr. Frank Severn
2016-10-22 2016 Fall Retreat #2 《The Disciples Before Pentecost》 Dr. Frank Severn
2016-10-22 2016 Fall Retreat #3 《Following Jesus 2》 Dr. Frank Severn
2016-10-23 2016 Fall Retreat #4 《Jesus Prepares His Disciples For His Departure》 Dr. Frank Severn
2016-05-28 2016 Spring Retreat #1 《God Sent His Son》 Dr. Greg Cochran
2016-05-28 2016 Spring Retreat #2 《We Are Witnesses》 Dr. Greg Cochran
2016-05-29 2016 Spring Retreat #3 《The Primary Purpose Of The Gospel Of John》 Pastor Elton Chu
2016-05-29 2016 Spring Retreat #4 《Witnesses Testify》 Dr. Greg Cochran
2016-05-30 2016 Spring Retreat #5 《Witnesses Testify Even When The World Hates》 Dr. Greg Cochran